Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

safinah english

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah the Lord of hosts, and the step that we beg Him for help on all things of the world and the hereafter. And hopefully shalawat and greetings are always devoted to the king Prophet Muhammad SAW Closing of the prophets, as well as to family, friends all. And there is no power except with relief efforts of Allah, Most High, the Mighty.

(Chapter I)
(Chapter One)
Pillars of Islam there are five cases, namely:
1. Bears witness that there is no god except Allah haq wa Subhaanahu Ta'aala and Prophet Muhammad Sholalloohu 'alayhi wa sallam is His messenger.
2. Establish prayer (five times).
3. Give charity.
4. Fasting Romadhan.
5. Pilgrimage to a temple for those who have been able to execute it.
(Chapter two)
There are six pillars of faith, namely:
1. Faith in Allah wa Subhaanahu Ta'aala.
2. Faithful to all Mala'ikat
3. Believe with all the holy books.
4. Believe with all-rosul Rosul.
5. Faithful to the end of days.
6. Faithful to the provisions of good and bad from Allah wa Subhaanahu Ta'aala.
(Chapter three)
The meaning of "La ilaha my word", namely: None has the right to be worshiped in reality other than Allah.
(Chapter One)
The signs of puberty (the age of adolescence) a person there are three, namely:
1. Old man or a woman fifteen years.
2. Dreaming (junub) against men and women when past nine years.
3. Menstruation blood came out after nine years of age.
(Chapter two)
Terms can use stones to cleans himself there are eight, namely:
1. Use three stones.
2. Purify unclean place out with stones.
3. Unclean is not dry.
4. Unclean is not moving.
5. Istinjaa places are not affected other things though not unclean.
6. Unclean will not budge istinjaa (pubic hole behind the front of the pubic and head).
7. Are not exposed to unclean water.
8. The sacred stone.
(Chapter three)
Ablution there are six pillars, namely:
1. Intentions.
2. Face wash
3. Wash your hands and elbows.
4. Sweeping some heads.
5. Wash both feet as well as books lali.
6. Statutes.
(Chapter four)
Intention is menyengaja a (act) together (together) with his actions in the liver. The intention is to say it is Sunnah, and the time when the first partial face wash.
The order in question is not putting one member against another yag members (as has it).
(Chapter five)
Water is divided to two kinds; a little water. And plenty of water.
The little water is water that is less than two qullah. And plenty of water until it is two or more qullah.
A little water would be defiled with unclean because crushed into it, even if not changed. The water that many will be defiled so tdak unless the water has changed color, taste or smell.
(Chapter six)
Which requires a bath, there are six cases, namely:
1 - Inserting the penis (head dzakar) into the vagina (genitalia) women.
2 - Exit semen.
3 - Dead.
4 - Exit the blood of menstruation [coming months].
5 - Exit puerperal blood [the blood comes out after the birth].
6 - Maternity.
(Chapter seven)
Fardhu-fardhu (pillars) which are required to shower there are two things, namely:
1 - Intention mandatory shower.
Two - Delivering water to the entire body to perfection.
(Chapter eight)
Terms of Wudu `there are ten, namely:
1 - Islam.
2 - Tamyiz (age and ber'akal).
3 - Scripture of menstruation and childbirth.
4 - Escape from everything and anything that can be prevented until the water into the skin.
5 - Nothing `misconstrued one member of the ruling in which changing the authenticity of the water.
6 - Knowing that the law `is mandatory ablution.
7 - Not allowed to give `tiqad (believes) that one of fardhu-fardhu wudu` is Sunnah (not compulsory).
8 - `the sanctity of ablution water.
9 - Log prayer time that was done.
10 - Muwalat.
These last two conditions specific to da `im al-hadats.
(Chapter Nine)
That `there are four ablution cancel, namely:
1 - What if out something from one of the main crotch as the wind and the other, except semen.
2 - Missing reason like to sleep, and others, but sleep in a state of sitting back and butt tightly to his seat, so that sure does not come out when the wind is sleeping
3 - Getting in touch between the skin of male with female skin that is not muhrim him and there are no obstructions between the two leather like fabric etc..
"Mahram": (people are forbidden to marry such as siblings).
4 - Touching genitals to others or himself, or touched her temples where the anus (the cone around) with the flat palm of the hand or fingers.
(Chapter ten)
Berhadats ban for people with small there were three, namely:
1 - Prayers, fardhu or sunnah.
2 - Thowaaf (around ka `even seven times).
3 - Touch the holy book of Al-Qur `an or lifting.
Berhadats ban for people with large (junub) there are five, namely:
1 - Prayer.
2 - Thowaaf.
3 - Touch the Qur `an.
4 - Read the Qur `an.
5 - I `tikaf (stay in the mosque).
Prohibition for women who are menstruating are ten, namely:
1 - Prayer.
2 - Thowaaf.
3 - Touch the Qur `an.
4 - Read the Qur `an.
5 - Fasting
6 - I'tikaf at the mosque.
7 - Entry into the mosque even if just to pass if he fears will contaminate the mosque.
8 - Divorced, because it banned the husband divorces his wife in a state of menstruation.
9 - `Jima.
10 - Have fun - happy with the wife in between the navel and knees.
(Chapter Eleven)
Because - Because there are permitting tayammum three things, namely:
1 - There is no water for ablution `.
2 - There are diseases that result should not be using water.
3 - There is only sufficient water to drink human or animal Muhtaram.
The addition Muhtaram there are six kinds, namely:
1 - People who leave the obligatory prayers.
2 - pagan Harbiy (who may be killed).
3 - Apostasy.
4 - Penzina in a state Ihshan (people who have a valid marriage ber'aqad).
5 - Dogs who bark (`ati menta no owner or can not be maintained).
6 - Pig.
(Chapter of the Twelve)
Terms tayammum working there were ten, namely:
1 - Bertayammum with soil.
2 - Using the holy land which is not affected by unclean.
3 - There was never in use before (for a fardhu tayammaum).
4 - Purely from a mixture of flour and other like for instance.
5 - Mengqoshod or wants (intends) that sweep the land is to be made in tayammum.
6 - Sign fardhu prayer time, before tayammum.
7 - Bertayammum each time praying fardhu arrived.
8 - Be aware - the heart and mean - indeed in finding the direction of qibla before starting tayammum.
9 - Sweeping face and two hands by rubbing the soil tayammum twice in each - each (separately).
10 - Eliminate all the unclean on the body first.
(Chapter thirteen)
Tayammum pillars there are five, namely:
1. Move the dust.
2. Intentions.
3. Wiped his face.
4. Rubbed both hands up to the elbows.
5. Statutes between two strokes.
(Chapter Fourteen)
Cases cancel tayammum there are three, namely:
1. All who canceled ablution '.
2. Apostate.
3. Water availability in doubt, if he bertayammum because there is no water.
(Fifteen chapter)
The case which became the sacred from the profane originally there were three, namely:
1. Wine (water is milked from the wine) when it becomes vinegar.
2. Tanned animal skins.
3. All that has changed to unclean animals.
(Chapter sixteen)
Unclean there are three kinds of types, namely:
1. Great unclean (Mughallazoh), namely dog, pig or the birth of one of them.
2. Odious light (Mukhaffafah), ie urine babies who do not eat, other than milk from his mother, and not until two years old.
3. Impure medium (Mutawassithoh), ie all except two of the above impure.
(Chapter Seventeen)
How to purify the impure, unclean:
Great unclean (Mughallazoh), purified by washing seven times, one of them using the cleaner, after missing 'Ayin (object) that is impure.
Odious light (Mukhaffafah), purified by sprinkling of water thoroughly and remove 'Ayin is impure.
Impure medium (Mutawassithoh) divided into two parts, namely:
1. 'Ainiyyah that is unclean is still visible color, odor, or taste, then how to purify it by removing unclean unclean nature of which still exist.
2. Hukmiyyah, that is unclean invisible color, smell and taste, then the way is enough to purify unclean water flowing on the body are affected by unclean.
(Chapter Eighteen)
Menstrual blood comes out at least a day a night, but generally for six or seven days, and will not be more than 15 days. At least sacred between two menstrual periods are 15 days, but generally 24 or 23 days, and not limited to the sacred. Parturition is at least a second, generally 40 days, and will not exceed 60 days.
(Chapter III)
(Chapter One)
Udzur () prayer:
1. Sleep.
2. Lost.
(Chapter two)
Terms legitimate prayer there are eight, namely:
1. Hadats holier than large and small.
2. Holy underwear, body and place of the unclean.
3. Closing the aurat.
4. Facing mecca.
2. Sign in prayer time.
3. Knowing the pillars of prayer-home shop.
4. Not believe that among the pillars prayer is Sunnah
5. Away from all that praying cancel.
Various kinds hadats: hadats there are two kinds, namely: Small and Large.
Small hadats is hadats that requires someone to perform ablutions', whereas a large hadats is hadats that requires someone to take a bath.
Sort sorts aurat: Aurat there are four types, namely:
1. Aurat all men (independent or slaves) and slave women when praying, which is between the navel and knees.
2. Aurat free woman when praying, the entire body, except face and palms.
3. Aurat free women and slaves to men ajnabi (not muhrim), ie the entire body.
4. Aurat free women and slaves against muhrimya male and female, between the navel and knees.
(Chapter three)
There were seventeen prayers pillars, namely:
1. Intentions.
2. Takbirotul ihrom (saying "Allah akbar).
3. Standing for those who can afford.
4. Reading the Fatiha.
5. Ruku '(bowing).
6. Thuma'ninah (pause) when bowing.
7. I'tidal (standing after bowing).
8. Thuma'ninah (i'tidal pause time).
9. Prostration twice.
10. Thuma'ninah (pause time of prostration).
11. Sitting between two prostrations.
12. Thuma'ninah (pause while sitting).
13. Tasyahud late (read particular sentences).
14. Sitting tasyahud soften.
15. Sholawat (the prophet).
16. Salam (the prophet).
17. Statutes (sequentially according to their order).
(Chapter four)
Intention that there are three degrees, namely:
3. If prayer worked fardhu, diwajibkanlah qasdul fi'li intentions (the prayer), ta'yin (a prayer which worked) and fardhiyah (kefardhuannya).
4. If the sunnah prayers that have done or have time for, diwajibkanlah intention to do these prayers and a prayer that is done as sunna Rowatib (before and after fardhu-fardhu).
5. If the sunnah prayer done Mutlaq (without cause), diwajibkanlah intention to do these prayers alone.
The meaning is that I beniat fi'li qasdul prayer (menyenghajanya), and is meant ta'yin is like Dhuhr or the afternoon, as for the intention fardhu fardhiyah.
(Chapter five)
Terms takbirotul ihrom sixteen, namely:
1. Ihrom takbirotul say when standing (if such prayers fardhu).
2. Say it in Arabic.
3. Using the pronunciation of "Allah."
4. Using the pronunciation of "Akbar".
5. Sequentially between the two pronunciations.
6. Not lengthen the letter "Hamza" from the wording "God".
7. Not lengthen the letter "Ba" from the wording "Akbar".
8. No mentaysdidkan (double / repeat) letter "Ba" are.
9. Do not add the letter "Waw" march or not between these two sentences.
10. Do not add the letter "Waw" before pronouncing "God."
11. Not even stopping between the two sentences briefly.
12. Listening to these two sentences.
13. Sign in prayer time if mempuyai time.
14. Ihrom takbirotul say when facing the qibla.
15. No mistake in saying one of the letters of the sentence.
16. Takbirotul ihrom ma'mum after takbiratul ihrom of priests.
(Chapter six)
Legal terms read al-Fatihah there are ten, namely:
1. Statutes (ie, reciting al-Fatihah verse order).
2. Muwalat (ie, reciting al-Fatiha with uninterrupted).
3. Noting makhroj characters (the escape character) as well as places tasydid.
4. Not long interrupted between the verses of al-Fatiha or interrupted briefly with the intention of deciding the reading.
5. Read all the verses of al-Fatihah.
6. Basmalah include verses from Al-Fatihah.
7. No use of land (the song) that can change the meaning.
8. Memabaca letter of al-Fatihah in the stands when praying fardhu keaadaan.
9. Hearing letter that was read al-Fatiha.
10. Not obstructed by another dzikir.
(Chapter seven)
Tasydid places in sura al-Fatihah there is fourteen, namely:
1. Tasydid letter "Lam" jalalah on pronunciation (الله).
2. Tasydid letter "Ra '" in the pronunciation ((الرحمن.
3. Tasydid letter "Ra '" in lapal (الرحيم).
4. Tasydid "Lam" jalalah on pronunciation (الحمد لله).
5. Tasydid letter "Ba '" in the sentence (رب العالمين).
6. Tasydid letter "Ra '" in the pronunciation (الرحمن).
7. Tasydid letter "Ra '" in the pronunciation (الرحيم).
8. Tasydid letter 'Dal' in pronunciation (الدين).
9. Tasydid letter "O '" in the sentence إياك نعبد)).
10. Tasydid letter "O" in the sentence (وإياك نستعين).
11. Tasydid letter "Shad" in the sentence (اهدنا الصراط المستقيم).
12. Tasydid letter "Lam" in the sentence (صراط الذين).
13. Tasydid "Dhad" in the sentence (ولا الضالين).
14. Tasydid letter "Lam" in the sentence (ولا الضالين).

(Chapter eight)
Place circumcision raised their hands when the prayer there are four, namely:
1. When takbiratul ihram.
2. When Ruku '.
3. When getting up from Ruku '(I'tidal).
4. When getting up from the initial tashahud.
(Chapter Nine)
Prostrate condition of validity, there were seven, namely:
1. Prostration with seven members.
2. Open forehead (do not exist that covers the forehead).
3. Pressing the mere weight of the head.
4. There is no other purpose except for prostration.
5. Not bow down to the place that moves when he moves.
6. Dorsally raised and lowered the head.
7. Thuma'ninah in prostration.
When a person is obliged to prostrate body member in place in place of prostration, there were seven, namely:
1. Forehead.
2. The inside of the right palm.
3. The inside of the left palm.
4. Knee right leg.
5. The left knee.
6. The inside of the right radius.
7. The inside of the left radius.
(Chapter ten)
In this sentence there tasyahud harakah twenty-one (line) tasydid, sixteen of whom are located in a mandatory sentence tasyahud in reading, and five were left in complete sentences tasyahud (the sunna read), namely:
1. "Attahiyyat": harakah tasydid situated in the letter "Ta '".
2. "Attahiyyat": harakah tasydid located on the letter "O '".
3. "Almubarakatusshalawat": harakah tasydid in the letter "Shad".
4. "Atthayyibaat": harakah tasydid the letter 'Tha'. "
5. "Atthayyibaat": harakah tasydid the letter "O '".
6. "Lillaah": harakah tasydid on "Lam" jalalah.
7. "Assalaam": the letter "Sin".
8. "A'laika ayyuhannabiyyu": the letter "O '".
9. "A'laika ayyuhannabiyyu": the letter "Nun".
10. "A'laika ayyuhannabiyyu": the letter "O '".
11. "Warohmatullaah": on "Lam" jalalah.
12. "Wabarakatuh, Assalaam": the letter "Sin".
13. "Alainaa wa'alaa I'baadillah": on "Lam" jalalah.
14. "Asshalihiin": the letters Shad.
15. "Asyhaduallaa": on "Lam alif".
16. "Ilaha Illallaah": on "Lam alif".
17. "Illallaah": on "Lam" jalalah.
18. "Waasyhaduanna": the letter "Nun".
19. "Muhammadarrasulullaah": the letter "Meem".
20. "Muhammadarrasulullaah": the letter "Ra '".
21. "Muhammadarrasulullaah": the letter "Lam" jalalah.
(Chapter Eleven)
Sentence of at least shalawat prophet who meet the standards is mandatory in tasyahud end Alloohumma sholliy 'alaa Muhammad.
(As for). Tasydid vowel in a sentence shalawat prophet is in the letter "Lam" and "Mim" in the pronunciation of "cor." And in the letter "Lam" in the pronunciation of "Shalli". And in the letter "Meem" in Muhammad.
(Chapter of the Twelve)
At least a greeting that meet the standards is mandatory in the final tasyahud Assalaamu'alaikum. Harakat Adpun tasydid in the sentence is located in the "Sin".
(Chapter thirteen)
Period of time praying.
1. Dhuhr prayer time:
Starting from the slide of the sun from the sky towards the middle west, and ends when the shadow of an object equals the size of footage with these objects.
2. Asr Prayer Time:
Begins when the shadow of an object exceeds the length of the object and ends when the sun sets.
3. Maghrib prayer time:
Starting when the sun sets and ends with the loss of red light that appears after sunset.
4. Isha prayer time
Beginning with a loss of red light that appears after sunset and ending with the true dawn. Which is the true mean by Dawn rays extending from the east to form a horizontal line from south to north.
Five time prayers Shubuh:
At the beginning of the emergence of the true dawn and ends with sunrise.
The color of sunlight that appear after sunset there are three, namely:
Red light, yellow and white. Red light appears when the sunset while the yellow and white light appeared in the time of Isha.
Disunnahkan to suspend or mangakhirkan Isha prayer until the disappearance of yellow and white light.
(Chapter Fourteen)
Prayer is forbidden when there is no previous cause or causes have the same (meaning, without any reason at sekaliseperti Mutlaq circumcision) in some time, namely:
1. When the rising sun to rise approximately equal the size of a stick or a spear.
2. When the sun was directly overhead in the sky until the middle of shifts except Friday.
3. When the sun aflame until sinking.
4. After prayers Shubuh until sunrise.
5. After Asar prayer until sunset.
(Fifteen chapter)
Place saktah (stopped from reading) at the time of prayer, there are six places, namely:
1. Between takbiratul iftitah ihram and prayers (after the opening prayer takbiratul ihram).
2. Between prayers and ta'awudz iftitah (say protection with Allah from Satan the accursed).
3. Between ta'awudz and read the Fatiha.
4. Between the end of Fatihah and ta'min (say amen).
5. Between ta'min and read the letter (qur'an).
6. Between reading the letter and bowing.
All those with higher levels of prayer beads (the reading Subhan Allah), except between ta'min and read the letter, the priest disunahkan saktah lengthened with higher levels of reading Fatiha.
(Chapter sixteen)
What are the pillars which are required within tuma'ninah there are four, namely:
1. When bowing.
2. When i'tidal.
3. When the bow.
4. When sitting between two prostrations.
Tuma'ninah is silent after the previous movement, approximately all limbs still (not moving) with the content of prayer beads (read Subhan Allah).
(Chapter Seventeen)
Because there are four sahwi prostration, namely:
1. Leaving some of ab'adhus prayer (sunnah jobs in the prayer that bad if someone meniggalkannya).
2. Doing something to cancel (even though he had forgotten), if done deliberately and not to cancel if he forgets.
3. Moving along qauli (spoken) kebukan place.
4. Harmonious working Fi'li (is done) with the possibility of excess.
(Chapter Eighteen)
Ab'adusshalah there are six, namely:
1. Initial Tasyahud
2. Sitting tasyahud early.
3. Shalawat to prophet Muhammad when tasyahud early.
4. Shalawat to families when tasyahud final prophet.
5. Du'a qunut.
6. Stand up for prayer qunut.
7. Shalawat and Hail to the prophet Muhammad, his family and friends when prayers qunut.
(Chapter Nineteen)
The case that there are fourteen cancel the prayer, namely:
1. Berhadats (such as urinating and defecating).
2. Exposed to unclean, if not removed immediately, without hands or lifted (by hand or in others).
3. Open aurat, if not eliminated seketikas.
4. Saying the two-letter or one letter can difaham.
5. Doing something that broke the fast with less accidentally.
6. Even forgot to eat a lot.
7. Moving with three consecutive movements even forgotten.
8. Broad jump.
9. Hitting hard.
10. Adding harmony fi'li intentionally.
11. Preceding the priest with two pillars fi'li intentionally.
12. Two pillars of premises late fi'li without udzur.
13. Intention to cancel the prayer.
14. Requiring stop prayer with something and doubt within dismiss.
Required for a priest there is going to be a priest in the four prayers, namely:
1 - Become Imam Juma `t
2 - Being a priest in the prayer i `aadah (repeating the prayer).
3 - Being a priest vows berjama `ah prayer
4 - Being a priest prays for the rain plural taqdim

(Chapter Twenty-One)
Terms - Terms ma `mum follow the priests there are eleven cases, namely:
1 - Not knowing he's off with the priest prays for his hadats or another.
2 - Not convinced that the priest prays the obligatory mengqadha `.
3 - A priest is not a ma `mum.
4 - A priest is not ummi (must be good bacaanya).
5 - Ma `mum does not exceed the established priesthood.
6 - Must know the gestures the priest prays the displacement action.
7 - Being in a mosque (the place) or be within about three hundred cubits.
8 - Ma `mum intend to follow priests or intention JAMA` ah.
9 - Prayers priest and ma `mum must be the same way and kaifiyatnya
10 - Ma `mum menyelahi no priests in the sunnah perbuata very different or very different.
11 - Ma `mum must follow the act of the priest.

(Chapter Twenty-Two)
There are five classes of legitimate people in the congregation, namely:
1 - A man after man - men.
2 - Women follow men - men.
3 - effeminate male followed - male.
4 - Women follow a sissy.
5 - Women after women.

(Chapter Twenty-Three)
There are four groups of people - people who are not legitimate in the congregation, namely:
1 - Men - men follow women.
2 - Male - sissy boys to follow.
3 - queer women to follow.
4 - follow sissy transvestite.

(Chapter Twenty-Four)
There are four legitimate plural terms taqdim (mengabung two prayers soften the first), namely:
1 - At the start of the first prayer.
2 - Intention plural (two prayer gathering once gus).
3 - successively - participated.
4 - Udzurnya continuously.

(Chapter Twenty-Five)
There are two prerequisites takhir plural, namely:
1 - Intention ta'khir (at the time of the first prayer, although still remaining duration of time than the prayer itself).
2 - Udzurnya continuously until the completion time of the second prayer.

(Chapter Twenty-Six)
There are seven terms qasar, namely:
1 - Far marhalah travel with two or more (80.640 km or travel day and night).
2 - Journey to the Safar do is permissible (not based on intention perlayaran sinners are working on).
3 - Knowing the legal permissibility qasar.
4 - Intention qasar when takbiratul `ihram.
5 - Prayer is a prayer that qasar ruba `iyah (no less than four shelves` AAT).
6 - Travel continuously until the prayer is finished.
7 - Not following itmam with people (who do not pray in qasar) in some of his prayers.

(Chapter Twenty-Seven)
Terms valid Friday prayer there are six, namely:
1. And the Friday prayer sermon carried out at the time of Dhuhr.
2. Friday activities are conducted within the village limits.
3. Implemented congregation.
4. Friday congregation numbered at least forty (40) man of independence, Baligh and indigenous areas.
5. Conducted in an orderly manner, namely by first sermon, followed by the Friday prayer.
(Chapter Twenty-Eight)
Friday sermon there are five pillars, namely:
1. Saying "الحمد لله" in these two sermons.
2. Bershalawat to Prophet Muhammad in the second sermon.
3. Intestate devotion to Friday congregational sermon Friday in the second.
4. Reading the verses of the quran in one sermon.
5. Muslims pray for the whole sermon at the end.
(Chapter Twenty-Nine)
Terms legitimate Friday sermon there are ten, namely:
1. Hadats net of small (like urine) and large like junub.
2. Clothing, body and clean the place from all unclean.
3. Closing the aurat.
4. Sermon delivered by standing for those able.
5. Both sermons are separated by light as tuma'ninah sitting in the prayer plus a few seconds.
6. Second sermon executed sequentially (not diselangi with other activities, except for sitting).
7. And the Friday prayer sermon carried out sequentially.
8. The two sermons delivered by Arabic language.
9. Friday sermon heard by 40 men of independence, maturity and the native area.
10. Friday sermon carried out within Dhuhr.
(Section IV)
(Chapter One)
First: Muslim obligation to his brother who died there were four cases, namely:
1. Bathing.
2. Mengkafani.
3. Menshalatkan (praying corpse).
4. Entomb.

(Chapter two)
How to bathe a Muslim who died:
Minimum (at least): wetting the entire body with water and can be enhanced with washing qubul and anus, clean nose of dirt, mewudhukannya, bathing while massaged / rubbed with water and douse Sidr leaves three (3) times.
(Chapter three)
Mengkafan ways:
Minimal: with a piece of cloth that covers the entire body. The perfect way for men: close the whole body with three pieces of cloth, while for women is by their clothes, khimar (headgear), gloves and two pieces of cloth.
(Chapter four)
Bodies there are seven pillars of the prayer (7), namely:
1. Intentions.
2. Four times Takbir.
3. Standing for those who can afford.
4. Read Surah Al-Fatihah.
5. Reading shalawat the Prophet after the second Takbir.
6. Prayers for the dead after the third Takbir.
7. Regards.
(Chapter five)
At least planted (buried), the body is in the hole closed and keep the body odor of the beast. Even more perfect is the height and breadth of people, and laid her cheek on the ground. And mandatory confronted qibla direction.
(Chapter six)
The corpse may be exhumed, because there is one of the four cases, namely:
1. To be bathed, if not changed shape.
2. To confronted towards the qibla.
3. To take the treasure that is embedded with the corpse.
4. Women who are embedded with her and her fetus is likely the fetus is still alive.
(Chapter seven)
Legal isti'anah (ask for help from others in the purification) are four (4) case, namely:
1. May.
2. Err Hall.
3. Makruh
4. Mandatory.
May (permissible) request to match the water.
Err halls asking people who poured water on berwudlu.
Makruh ask for the person who poured water to wash the members (ablution) it.
Shall ask for pouring water for a sick person when he is weak (not able to do it yourself).

(Chapter One)
Treasure that must be in there zakatnya remove six types, namely:
1. Cattle.
2. Gold and silver.
3. Grains (which became the staple food).
4. Commercial property. Zakatnya mandatory on out is four tenths of the property.
5. Tertkubur treasure.
6. Results of the mine.

(Chapter VI)
(Chapter One)
Ramadan fasting is required with one of the following provisions:
1. By replenish month of Sha'ban 30 days.
2. By looking at the moon, those who see it for yourself.
3. By looking at the moon which was witnessed by a fair on the face of the judge.
4. With the news story from someone who is fair is also believed the truth, whether the news is confirmed or not, or not trusted but who heard justify it.
5. With the entry beijtihad Ramadan for those who doubt to those things.

(Chapter two)
Ramadan fasting legitimate Terms are four (4) cases, namely:
1. Islam.
2. Understanding.
3. Sacred than the blood is like menstruation.
4. Within the time allowed to fast.

(Chapter three)
Ramadan fasting mandatory condition there were five cases, namely:
1. Islam.
2. Taklif (charged to fast).
3. Strong fast.
4. Healthy.
5. Iqamah (not traveling).
(Chapter four)
Ramadan fasting there were three cases, namely:
1. Intention at night, that is every night during Ramadan.
2. Refrain from all that broke the fast when it was still in a state of mind, can choose (no coercion), and no fool who ma'zur (dima'afkan).
3. The person who is fasting.
(Chapter five)
Required: mengqhadha fasting, and rowing great expiation of people who canceled his fast in Ramadan, one full day because menjima 'more sinned why.
And mandatory and qhadha: keep eating and drinking when it canceled her fast at six places:
1. In the month of Ramadhan is not in others, against people who deliberately cancel.
2. Against people who leave the faith at night for a Fardhu fasting.
3. Toward people who are still thinking that bersahur night, then note that Dawn has been published.
4. Against those who break the fast because I thought the sun had sunk, later known that the sun had not sunk.
5. Against people who believe that these final days of Sha'ban on thirty, and then note that the beginning of Ramadan has arrived.
6. Against people who already drink water from the mouth-washes or from water that is inserted into the nose.
(Chapter six)
Cancel fasting person with several kinds, namely:
- The causes of apostasy.
- Menstruation.
- Puerperal.
- Maternity.
- Crazy though briefly.
- Fainting and drunken accident if there are those in the daytime in general.
(Chapter seven)
Canceling fasting during Ramadan is divided into four types, namely:
1. Required, as against the menstrual or puerperal women.
2. Required, as the people who sail and those who are sick.
3. Not required, not required, as a crazy person.
4. Forbidden (ditegah), as those who delayed qhadha Ramadan, when it may be done until the time is not sufficient qhadha.
Then divided the people who had canceled her fast to the four sections, namely:
1. People who are required qhadha and fidyah, such as women who canceled her fast for fear of other people like her baby. And like the people who qhadha postpone fasting until the next Ramadan arrives.
2. People who are required mengqhadha without paying fidyah, such as people who faint.
3. People who are required against fidyah without mengqhadha, like very old people who are not authorized.
4. People who are not obligated to pay fidyah mengqhadha and, like a crazy person who was not intentional.
(Chapter eight)
Matters that do not cancel after fasting to the oral cavity there are seven kinds, namely:
1. When conceded something like food to the mouth cavity forget premises
2. Or do not know the law.
3. Or coerced others.
4. When conceded something to the oral cavity, because the saliva that flows between its teeth, while he could not remove it.
5. When the dust intruding into the oral cavity.
6. When possessed something of the flour sifter into the oral cavity.
7. When the intruding flies that were flying into the oral cavity.

The End ...
Wallaohu bishshowaab knows best

Then we end with a request to God the Karim, with the blessings of our Prophet Muhammad beginda Shollalloohu 'alayhi wa sallam that Wasim, to end my life by embracing Islam, as well as my parents, people I love and all my offspring. And hopefully he forgive me and they all mistakes and sins.
May God's grace is always poured keharibaan our master Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah ibn' Abdi Manaf bin Abdul Mutholib bin Hashim who become messengers of Allah to all malahim Rosulul creature, a lover of Allah's grace that opens the door, closed the door of prophethood, as well as family and friends as well. Walhamdu lillaahi Robbil 'Aalamin ...

notes ....
Book by Book Annajah Safinah Sheikh Abdullah bin Saad bin al-Hadhrami Sumair, that discussed the principles of the Shafi'i school of fiqh in which participated include the aspect of unity and Sufism. He is an expert in fiqh and tasawwuf yang bermadzhab Shafi'i. In addition, he is an educator who is known very sincere and patient, an ascetic qodhi fair and to the world, even he is also a politician and military observers of Islamic countries. He was born in the village Dziasbuh, which is a village in the Hadramaut region of Yemen, known as the center of the birth of the great scholars in various fields of religious sciences.

Book Safinah have the full name "Najah Safinatun Fiima Yajibu Ii` ala Abdi Maulah "(boat safety in studying the liability of a servant to his Lord). The book is small, although its form but its benefits are enormous. In each of Boarding Schools or teaching in villages is always there for books on learning, even memorized. I also used in boarding schools there are systems whose name ngaji sorogan Koran, namely Kyai give meaning / significance and the next day students must memorize the kyai interprete / maknain and deposited in the form of rote. This book is the first one memorized in the system sorogan at my boarding school.

This book was made in the first book of basic jurisprudence in this review because the book covers religious subjects in an integrated, complete and intact, starting with chapter dasardasar shari'ah, then chapter ablutions, prayers chapter, chapter zakat, fasting chapter and chapter pilgrims who added by other scholars. The book is presented in a language that is easy, lightweight and editorial structure that is easy to understand and memorize. Someone who is serious and has a high willingness to be able to memorize the entire contents in just a period of two or three months or possibly sooner.

Because of this very important book of the scholars to make Sharh / further explanation of the book. There were many we Sharh syafinah Annajah include:
1. Book Kasyifatus Only ala Safinatin Najah
2. Book Durrotu Tsaminah Hasyiyah la Safinah
3. The Book of King Sharh Safinah Najah Nailur
4. Book Na.siimul hayah Sharh Safinatun Najah
5. Book Innarotut tDuja Bitanlwiril Hija Sharh Safinah Najah

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